Purist Aer Diffuser Blend
This synergistic blend of organic essential oils will uplift and refresh your surroundings.
Our Purist Aer contains essential oils: Ravensara, Lavender, Cajeput, Eucalyptus, Black Spruce and Saro.
These respiratory-boosting essential oils will help support lung health and create a safe surroundings.
* Add 5 to 6 drops to aromatherapy diffuser.
* Diffuse into an aromatherapy inhaler, or inhale directly from the bottle for quick relief when you feel stuffy.
* Apply topically to the chest and neck area to help calm a cough or breathing troubles.
Ingredients: Organic essential oils of Ravensara, Lavender, Cajeput, Eucalyptus, Saro, Black Spruce